Are you trying to form phrases in Spanish but don’t know where to start? The first thing that you might want to know is that, odd as it sounds, most Western languages have a similar structure, which means most of them form their phrases with Subject + Verb + Complement (when needed). So let’s start...
Recursos de español para estudiantesHow to form phrases in Spanish

Are you trying to form phrases in Spanish but don’t know where to start?
The first thing that you might want to know is that, odd as it sounds, most Western languages have a similar structure, which means most of them form their phrases with Subject + Verb + Complement (when needed). So let’s start from scratch:
Subject can be the name of a person, for example María. So María is our first word.
Verbs are generally actions, so let’s say our second word will be habla (speaks).
Complements are that part of the phrase that helps us complete an idea. Let’s say our third word is español.
Now the whole phrase will be: María habla español.
That wasn’t so difficult, was it?
My advice? Make a list of as many actions as you can from your everyday life, then find the word in Spanish, and each time you perform the action say it in Spanish! And come learn Spanish with us, either in-person or online.